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Live Oak Park, Temple Cty CA

April 19 at 10:00am sharp for the free easter egg hunt, Pancake Breakfast starts at 8:30am $5


Arboretum, Arcadia, CA

April 19 at 10:00-1:00pm (members 9:00am) $3 a child, adults free (i think), admission to the park applies



If you are a couponer you know that huggies wipes are the hottest item right now.  For some reason I couldn’t find any of my wipe coupons.  One of the Instagram Couponers forwarded this site and I’m amazed!  You can print as many coupons as you want.  Other websites limit you 2 per computer.  

Just sign up and when you are ready to print your coupons make sure you click “don’t share” or else the huggie wipe coupon won’t show up to print.



If you take this coupon to CVS this week (only until saturday.. oops that’s tomorrow) then you can get 1 package of diapers $8.99-$3 = $6.  If you have other coupons $2 or $3 off 1 package you can get four packages at CVS and get $10 in CVS money too.  It’s a great deal on diapers.  I wish I knew about couponing when my kids were little.  Now, buy diapers for friends. 



I can’t wait!!  have fun!!


I don’t speak Korean but I like her songs.. it’s catchy!  Just listen.. This is Hyolyn with Stevie Wonder (She’s only 23!)

I’m a fan of baklavas and I once visited this place some years ago but I forgot where it was.. then tonight my friend had some at our get together and I have the name and number now.  As you can see, it’s a difficult name to remember.  I can’t even pronouce it!  I must had ate 5 baklavas tonight.. I’m going to have to exercise extra for these babies!  Ummm last night was potato corner and tonight is baklavas..!  Live life and enjoy food!!!

Vrej Pastry (626) 797-2331



I can’t get enough of these french fries!  It so simple.. they cook the french fries and put it in a plastic container, they add a special flavoring powder from the Phillipines (Yes, I asked!) We love the BBQ and Sour Cream and Onion and they shake it up and it ready!  So yummy… There’s always a line but it moves quickly.. Give it a try.  sometimes they have a group on or living social deal.  I actually bought a deal a long time ago and let it expire.. because there was always a line to order but recently i tried it and it’s so worth it 😛

P.S.  The Powder is for sale but a small packet is $20 and if you buy 2 then its $30.  I didn’t look closely but the packet maybe 2 cups of powder.
Giga size sour cream and onion fries

There are 4 apps I want to introduce to you.  

1.  Shop Kick:  This app actually pays you in gift cards to stores such as target, macys, amc.. etc. Once you download the app you can check for surrounding stores near your location.  Once you step into the store the program gives you “kicks” or points and once you collect enough kicks they will send you a gift card.  I saw on instagram many people making purchases at target with their shopkick gift cards and they’re total expenditure was almost 0!  http://get.shopkick.com/polygon21875

2.  ReceiptHog:  This app gives you $ when you send them a copy of your receipt from grocery stores.  It’s a bit time consuming but if you take a picture of the receipt right when you get them it’s no trouble at all.  I have almost $20 now.. the more points you accumulate the more $ you can get.  

3.  Checkout51:  This app gives you $ too.  If you purchase certain items within the one week period and send a picture of your receipt to them for the items listed.. you can get $ for those items.  It’s easy.

4.  ibotta:  This app gives you $ when you purchase certain items, go to the movies, home improvements, pets… etc.  Same concept, take a picture of the receipt and they will credit you.  http://ibotta.com/r/8ZfSGw

These are the steps to take to start couponing.

1.  First, order the Los Angeles Times Sunday Newspaper.  You can have it delivered to yourself for $0.75 an issue.  You can only order up to 3 issues for this price. It’s delivered to you every Sunday.  8 weeks = $18.  If you buy it at the store it cost $2.18 an issue with tax.  It beats driving to the store.  If you want more than 3 then you pay $1 for each issue.  Update:  03/06/14 I called LA Times and they offered the $0.75 rate for up to 10 newspapers.  I’ve heard other people have gotten lower rates but that’s the best that I was offered.

2.  Every week is different, some weeks there are 4 sets of coupons other weeks only 1 set.  If it’s a good issue, you can go to the market to buy more.  In certain Dollar Tree stores, they sell it for $1 each.  Some stores have limitations on how many papers you can get.  Once you really get into couponing, you can either pay $1 an issue and get 10 delivered to your home.  Or you can ask a neighbor and have them order the $0.75 rate for you and you pay the back.  There are other ways to get coupons but I’ll tell you later in this blog post.

3.  Get an instagram account.  Hashtag #Extremecouponers and all these couponers will come up.  you can follow these couponers and they usually post all their buys and tell you how they did it.  You learn a lot from them.

4.  There’s a special couponing lingo.  Go to this website and search for lingos and she has a breakdown for you.  Example:  coupons = q’s and RR means register rewards.  http://www.southerncalisaver.com/  You have to familiarize yourself with the lingos so u can understand the buys.

5.  Couponers on instagram also sell coupons in sets of 10, 15, 20 or they trade coupons (UFT).  It’s great because if you really want one particular coupon and you want 10 of them then you don’t have to buy 10 newspapers, you can buy them directly from them.  Some people have connections with newspaper companies and they get all the coupon inserts for free (hundreds of them)! I’m still new so I don’t know how they get it.  They are called coupon fairies.  I wish I had a coupon fairy!

6.  You should have a paypal account so you can buy coupons right away if you want it.  Make sure you buy from someone close to you. If you buy from someone that lives too far away then the coupons may arrive too late.  Usually the deals are for that week.  I learned the hard way.  I bought some from a lady in Chicago and the coupons came 7 days later.  The sale was over.   I live in California (for those who don’t know me).  The coupons usually have a longer expiration date but you don’t know when the sale will occur again for that particular item.  This week, i ordered coupons from someone in New York andit came in 2 days!  And i ordered from someone in northern california and it hasn’t arrived yet (5 days) so far.

7.  You can list ISO on instagram  (in search of) if you really like a particular deal and want more coupons for that item.  Plenty of people will respond to you.

8.  There are so many stores:  Ralphs, Albertsons, CVS, Walgreens, Value Mart, Food for Less, Vons, Pavillions, Dollar Tree etc.. they all have their own sale dates.. some start on Sundays, some start on Thursdays.. you have to know your stores.  The big stores like ralphs also have their own instore coupons (with the rewards cards) you can download and use your manufacturer coupons from the newspaper to make the deals a bit sweeter.

9.  To organize your coupons, get a zippered 3 ring folder $16 around, and purchase 100 baseball card holders around $17 on ebay. but I saw it cheaper at Toysrus or at target.  i was in a rush so i didn’t think of those places at that time.  When you go to the store make sure you don’t leave the coupons, people actually steal coupon binders from other people.

10.  Take walks thru the market and if you find things on clearance you can try to pair it up with your coupons and that’s when it’s a good buy.  CVS and Walgreens is a bit different.  They have rolling points and Extra Care bucks (ECB).  you can go to my blog post on rolling ECB at CVS.  Walgreens has many rules so you have to learn as you go.

11.   It takes many many hours in the beginning.. and I’m still learning.. so yes, it takes me many many hours.. but what I just shared with you.. will save you a month’s worth of learning already!  Sometimes i want to give up but the person who taught me said she also wanted to give up but so glad she didn’t because it’s really worth it now for her to do these buys.

Its been about 5 weeks since I was first introduced to couponing and I’m still learning but a bit addicted to it.  Here is a great website to follow for the latest deals.


the link above is for cvs but you can click on home and you can see the deals from all the stores.  I’ve been so busy couponing that I haven’t posted much here.  If you have instagram, my account is “welovecoupons” it shows all the pics of items I’ve acquired this month.  I’ve stocked up on shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, gum, oatmeal, instant noodles, lip balm, Bic pens and white out.. umm.. I think that’s it.  Its been very challenging.. and I’m out to master this couponing business!  I’m not a confrontational person but this process has taught me to be a little more “thick skinned” so to speak.  Cashiers don’t always treat couponers nice.. but I’ve remained nice at all times even if they start throwing the items.  I really don’t understand because the stores get reimbursed by the manufacturers for the coupons!  I’m at the point where I’m not too afraid to report them to their corporate office.  Can you believe that? coming from me?